Beach Side Bar & Cafe

Beach Side Bar & Cafe

The History of the Beachside Bar Cafe

Beach Side Bar & Cafe

Beachside Bar Cafe is in its 25th year of ownership by the current owners. Combined, the two owners have over 90 years of restaurant experience. Beachside (as it is known by the locals) sits at the base of the UCSB campus. It is a gathering place for UCSB alumni, sport teams, and visiting parents.

Beach Side Bar & Cafe

Beachside has also hosted such famous persons as the Dalai Lama, Magic Johnson, Julia Child, Jonathan Winters, Warren Christopher, Michael Douglas, John Cleese, Bill Paxton, Cheryl Tiegs, William Shattner, Bo Derek, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Alan Parsons, Steve Martin, Christopher Cross, Michael McDonald, Kathy Bates, TC Boyle, Robert Mitchum, Lorezno Lamas, Alice Cooper and Ed McMahon (to name just a few).

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